
Primarily slalom racing, the focus is on skill, tactics, speed, and confidence at the gybe mark! RAFSA events will see competition with all three Services battling head-to-head – rivalry is strong, but friendly. Whether racing in a downwind or figure-of-eight based course, it will involve hot pursuits with constant position changes, and a strong team effort to bring home the glassware.

Race Booking Calendar

Windsurf Committee

Committee Position Name Contact
RC Simon Kent rc@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk
Deputy Chairman Samuel Hanson
Secretary Victoria Kellagher secretary@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk
Racing Manager
Racing Sec
Training Co-Ord Daryn Shirley training@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk 
Training Manager
Equipment Manager Giles Smith kit@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk 
Southern Regional Rep David Malpass SouthernRegionRep@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk
Webmaster Matt Shaw webmaster@windsurf.rafsa.org.uk 

Contact Details

Write, call or email us

RAF Sailing Association
RAF Sports Federation
RAF Halton,
HP22 5PG

For Charter Enquiries email: chartermanager@offshore.rafsa.org.uk

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